Your brand might not be getting the amount of attention on Instagram that you want which makes you worry. As more customers drives more opportunities, it is feasible to think of ways to make more people follow you. Let’s explore some ways through which you can increase user engagement on Instagram and reap other benefits as well.


5 Steps for Getting More Followers on Instagram


  1. Optimize Instagram Bio and Profile


Add in a reason about why people should follow you in your bio. Plan your profile in such a way that whenever a new visitor comes to your page it instantly feels connected. Do convey your brand identity reflecting the brand’s purpose and promise in a quick and easy way.


  1. Creating Captivating Content


Make use of reels, infographics or any other engaging content which can get the users to click follow. Choose a theme and stick to it to make your grid profile look appealing. Post consistently but on the right time while including long captions. Include the primary words first and then the secondary words as you write captions.


  1. Be Searchable


Using the right and trending hashtags can increase your chances to be findable on Instagram. You can also create your brand’s own hashtag. Ask other people to tag you in their stories. You shall also mention other people in your posts as well. It gives a perspective that you value their people’s content.


  1. Start Engaging


Work with influencers and start following other relevant accounts. If you post thoughtful comments on other’s posts, they might notice your profile as well. You can also do collaborations with other brands to cross-promote your product. Go live on Instagram or use interactivity feature in your stories.


  1. Never Stop Learning


You might not be able to follow all the trends on Instagram but do not stop trying. You can run contests on Instagram to know about your audience’s like or dislike. On a marketing perspective, you can also run ads on Instagram. With over 500 million Instagram users, it is feasible to promote your product on this platform.


Wrapping it Up


Focus on engaging your audiences rather than just increasing the follower’s number. Try new ways and learn from the mistakes to run your profile in a better position. Sharpen your tools with these steps and let the world know about your brand through Instagram effectively.