As a startup owner if you’re looking to expand your professional network, then LinkedIn can greatly help you. Connect with your business colleagues, hire prospective clients and start boosting your business through LinkedIn. But to incorporate it into your social media marketing mix, you need to keep an eye on some strategies as well.


Five Strategies For Boosting Business Through LinkedIn


  1. Keep the Profile Look Professional

Your profile is the main page where people will land to connect with you. Keep it looking professional and authentic. Fill out all the necessary information regarding your company. Furthermore, choose a killer headline, add a suitable cover and profile photo and provide links to your website.


  1. Optimize Your Profile

Using the relevant keywords regarding your particular niche, you can optimize your LinkedIn profile. It will help you to rank on the first page on Google whenever somebody searches for your company. So, if you’re a social media manager, content creator, etc. don’t forget to add these words to your profile summary.


  1. Publish Quality Content

LinkedIn provides you with a great opportunity to publish your articles and get the attention of the business community. Moreover, it notifies all of your connections whenever you post an article. Not only that, it provides analytics regarding those posts to determine which of them is driving the most traffic.


  1. Make Useful Connections

Sending connection requests to everyone cannot prove to be useful all of the time for your business. Look for people who can be beneficial and then add them to your connections list. Segmentize the way you search for leads on LinkedIn and get to know about the best people for you.


  1. Request Recommendations

People are more often to buy from companies that have been recommended by someone else. This is why you need to request a recommendation on LinkedIn for grabbing more clients. You can simply go to the recommendation section on someone’s profile and click on the ask for recommendation link.




Personalize your profile on LinkedIn but remember to keep it professional. Besides that, add links to your website, choose suitable words for your profile summary, and connect with the right people. Lastly, if you’re not using LinkedIn for your business, then you need to start doing it right now.