Uplifting your brand-new business by balancing the cost, maintenance, and results of a marketing campaign is not easy. You’ll have to ensure which is the most suitable option for your company. SEO and PPC campaigns have certain pros and cons which you need to keep in mind while applying them in different scenarios. 


Difference between SEO and PPC


  • SEO delivers long-term benefits for your business. PPC puts your page on top providing maximum visibility in search results.


  • Organic traffic from SEO is free. When you use PPC, you need to pay for every ad click causing a constant investment to be made. 


  • PPC provides you with immediate results while SEO takes time to show results. 


  • SEO encourages a user-friendly website. On the other side, PPC gives you complete control and promotes flexibility. 


Which is Better Between SEO vs PPC?


  • Promoting a Unique product vs a Similar product: 

If you’re introducing an innovation in the market that a lot of people are not fond of, try using a PPC social media approach. Whereas if you’re promoting a similar product already available in the market, then you may use SEO. 


  • Time offer vs long-term offers

As SEO takes time for producing results, use PPC campaigns for holding an event or displaying limited-time offers to your users. For long-term offers, you can take help by ranking your site through SEO. 


  • Promotional content vs organic search

Multiple times people don’t want to link to commercial content causing them to land on product pages. Use the right keywords and rank your website higher in organic search through SEO. For instantly driving traffic to your product page, then consider using PPC.


  • Having a low budget vs big cash flow

If your business is struggling with some cash flow, it is feasible to opt for the option of SEO. Not only it will save you from paying for ads, but it will also help you to increase your brand awareness. 


  • Solid SEO base vs reliance on PPC

Website buyers will show more interest in sites that have a solid SEO base. This is because maintaining and ranking a site higher is not an easy task. On the other hand, websites having a reliance on PPC are less likely to sell if you’re a website flipper. 


Wrapping it Up


If you want to increase your chances of success, you need to incorporate both the methods of PPC and SEO. Determine which strategy to use depending on the situation you’re encountering. Take your time and evaluate what is the best fit for your business.