Not all startups have enough budget for hiring a professional PR firm to handle all PR-related matters. This calls for a need to look for tactics to uplift your business through earned media. The competition in the market is increasing and securing a place while building a positive PR for your startup has become a necessity. 


8 PR Strategies for Startups to Focus 


  • Set up a clear goal

You need to decide why you want to establish positive PR for your company. Are you looking to hire new people in your firm or want to attract customers to your new product launch? Before you take any further action, set up a clear goal.


  • Perfect your pitch to stand out from other brands

Grab the attention of the journalists by defining a perfect one-liner pitch for your company. Avoid buzzwords and jargon. Keep your content compelling so that journalists can easily relate. 


  • Use a storytelling approach

Try utilizing a storytelling approach in your pitch. Focus on highlighting the issue and providing the solution to the specific group of people you’re targeting. 


  • Possess good writing and editing skills

Writing quality blogs and press releases is a tactic every digital marketer should know about. Moreover, keyword optimization can also help in finding your target audience and ranking your site. 


  • Build a social media presence and generate media interest

Engaging with bloggers and influencers for promoting your product on social media through sending sample products is another PR tactic. Keep the members of the media informed about the information to generate public interest. 


  • Plan events and do collaborations

For inducing the interest of your audience, you can collaborate with other major industry experts. Feature on a podcast, do guest posts, or plan events to increase your brand’s visibility. 


  • Share reviews of satisfied customers

If your customers are having a positive experience with your company, ask them to give a review of your product. This is because many people still rely on referrals before buying a product. 


  • Use email marketing and arrange interviews

Conduct interviews with company executives to put forward their opinion regarding an ongoing issue. Their words can put up an impact on people’s minds. Send out newsletters and emails to other company members to keep them informed. 


Wrapping it Up


Getting the media’s attention is the ultimate goal of PR. Startup companies need to invest time and effort to keep the customer’s interest intact. Problems are going to happen to every company. But how you deal with them through enabling positive PR while not breaking your customer’s trust is the key to success.