With social media and digitization taking over the world, marketers adopted new approaches to reach customers online. But does that mean email marketing has lost its worth? That would be a big NO! Email marketing is a fantastic approach which lets you personalize your messages in ways that social media Is unable to do. 


Reasons why Email Marketing is still valid in 2022


  • Allows Personalization: It allows the option to create customized content by understanding consumer behavior, buying pattern, and other factors. You can directly target your audience’s interest by personalizing it according to their preference. 


  • Produces better revenue than all other marketing platforms: It generates the highest revenue in contrast to other marketing channels. Regularly monitor the metrics to keep an insight on click-through rates, bounce rates etc. 


  • Cost-Effective: It does not need any big budget for producing content or printing ads. It is quite straightforward with the only requirement of creating better visuals and quality content.


  • Increases Brand Loyalty and Connection: It is a great way of keeping your customers updated about your latest moves. Whether it’s about launching new products, or telling about current offers. 


What’s Better: Email Marketing or Social Media?


No doubt, every internet user has an email account where they can receive updates as compared to an estimated 80% users who have social media accounts. It lets you have greater control and connect with a dedicated audience as you already have a subscriber list. Even if social media is more engaging than email marketing is a more affordable option. 


Is it Still Relevant in 2022?


Yes! Delivering quality content will ease your marketing journey. Avoid sending spam emails otherwise you might lose your customer’s interest. Almost 4 billion users in the word today have an email address. So no matter whoever is your target audience, there are high chances that they might already be having an email address. 


Wrapping it Up


Thinking about an alternate solution to this type of marketing might not be the best technique to sustain in the digital market. Email marketing is surely an option not to miss in 2022. Use it to its full potential by stepping down and running with it before you get left behind.