Your website would be of no use if your customers are unable to find the product/service consequently not leading them to buy it. What if the customer finds the site but it takes a lot of time to load? Remember not all of them are going to wait for too long. Your site speed has to be fast in order to increase conversions.


How Site Speed affects your Conversion Rate


Conversion Rate vs Page Traffic 


The conversion rate depends on how much the total visitors are clicking on the buy button. If the page’s conversion rate will decline, then the user conversion will also decline even if the page traffic remains the same. 


Factors Disrupting Site Conversion Rate 


Complex page layouts, tons of images, and text can affect your conversion rate. Not only for desktop users but for mobile users as well, a ton of elements on a site can consume a lot of time to load. 


Every Second Matters!


With new trends changing drastically in the digital world, grabbing consumers can become hectic. The faster the page loads, the more people are expected to make purchases. This all depends on the conversion rate. To make your visitors happy, optimize your site’s page load time. 


Evaluating Bounce Rate and Conversions


Google has evaluated bounce rate and conversions depending on how much time a page takes to load:


  • 1s to 3s – the probability of bounce increases to 32%
  • 1s to 5s – the probability of bounce increases to 90%
  • 1s to 6s – the probability of bounce increases to 106%
  • 1s to 10s – the probability of bounce increases to 123%


Average Page Load Time


According to a Google Research Report, an average mobile web page takes 15.3 seconds to complete loading the page. This can differ with a lot of mobile elements present on the webpage. 


Good Page Load Time


As per a study by Portent, the first five seconds have a great impact on user conversions. Typically, your webpage should not take more than 0-4 seconds to load. This will cause a higher chance of your site ranking well in Google Rankings. 


Stats on How Page Load Time can affect User Conversions


The following stats are taken from the source of Global Dots:


  • 47% of individuals expect a page to load in two seconds or less.
  • 40% will leave a page if it requires more than three seconds to load.
  • 52% of online customers guarantee that fast page loads are significant for their loyalty to a webpage.
  • 14% will begin shopping at an alternate site if that page loads slowly.
  • 64% of customers who are disappointed with their site visit will head off to someplace else to shop.