When we talk about social media, Facebook is the platform we cannot miss discussing. Looking at its marketing perspective, it can help your brand to boost and reach new audiences more effectively. With Facebook continuously evolving and optimizing, what are the best tips for beginners to follow?


8 Facebook Marketing Tips for Beginners 


  1. Create a detailed business page: invest some time and effort to set up your business page correctly. Utilize the options relevant to your brand. Different categories are available for content such as photos, videos, services, etc. Choose them and select the tabs wisely. 


  1. Write Engaging Posts: Before writing a perfect post, you need to understand your target audience. Now start writing thinking about what would entice them. Post relevant content and regularly schedule the time for uploading them. 


  1. Optimize and select the right profile and cover photo: Be professional and keep it simple while setting up your cover and profile picture. Make it authentic, make it yours for making it to sell. 


  1. Attach a call-to-action button: Whether you are selling a product or service, you ultimately want the customer to take up action. For this purpose, add a call-to-action button such as “buy now” or “subscribe now” for grabbing the audience’s attention. 


  1. Make use of the Pinned Post: Pin your post at the top of your Facebook page which has the most views, and comments or is about giving away an offer for a limited time. New users can immediately see that post once they visit your page. 


  1. Use link ads when necessary: Link ads are mostly used to point people to your website. Add a link under your post to increase site visits. It will eventually get people to see those pages which you want them to see. 


  1. Post attractive video content: Start creating short videos with good visual effects appealing to the eyes of the audience. People can share and like your content leaving them wanting for more. 


  1. Experiment with carousel ads: Compiling ten mini ads can be done rightly by displaying carousel ads. To showcase various angles of your product/service, you can take the help of carousel ads. It tells a story and entices people’s interest to swipe till the end. 


Final Words

Keep your Facebook marketing strategy simple. Master the basics first and then think to expand accordingly. Know your audience and plan your strategy depending on what tactics will interest them more. Remember Facebook is not going anywhere but is going to become the need of the future.