While you are having no trouble in attracting people towards your website, do you still feel that something is missing? Your business cannot flourish if out of 1000 people only 4-5 people are making purchases. You need to find effective methods for increasing your conversion rate.


8 Methods to Improve your Conversion Rate


  • Use a Conversion Rate Optimization Planner:

Collect data about the factors which affect people from buying products, stopping them from converting etc. Moreover, examine facts which will help them push to convert and improve your conversion rate. 


  • Keep your form short and concise:

Remove any unnecessary form fields which can probably frustrate the people. It can help to lower bounce rates as people will not have to spend a lot of time filling out long forms with additional details. 


  • Take a help of Call-To-Action words:

If your customer lands on your website and likes a product but wants to know more information about it, CTA’s can be helpful. Words like “contact us”, “call us now” can help in directly answering queries of the customers. 


  • Add some social proof:

A lot of people still rely on referrals or reviews before buying a product. Take the reviews from your satisfied customers and put them on your website for others to see. 


  • Remove any distractions:

A lot of elements on the website can affect the time in which it takes to load. Keep your site simple with all the mandatory items. Stick with the theory of what your customers would like to know and nothing else. 


  • Try to use a third-party signup service:

Not every time consumers have the time to sign up and create an account on every single page on whom they are purchasing. Use a third-party signup service so that users can easily link their social accounts and get going. 


  • Include a live chat option:

If a user finds your site difficult to navigate, they can get their questions answered through a live chat option. All of the doubts can get resolved easily. 


  • Optimize it for mobile:

Adjust your site content and keep it user friendly for fixing the problems mobile users often come across. No doubt this will help in improving your conversion rates. 


Concluding it


Try to look it through the lens of a customer and decide whether they will buy from your site or not. Don’t fear to test new methods on your site for increasing user conversions. Wait patiently to see the results before changing those methods. Because something’s worth the wait!