Everyone wants to know the secret to keep their followers growing on social media platforms. Instagram is immensely getting popular nowadays. Instagram’s advertising has outpaced Facebook since 2021. So as a digital marketer, you don’t want to mess things up by doing mistakes on Instagram affecting your business.


5 Mistakes To Avoid From Losing Followers on Instagram


  1. Buying Followers Online


Many people may love to get cash in return for following your account. They might also post fake comments and likes, which can only give you a temporary boost. Rather than using this fast approach, use the method of attracting real followers. They will not disappoint you and your brand’s creditability will not get affected.


  1. Using Irrelevant Hashtags


Many businesses use popular hashtags rather than focusing on their own brand’s niche. To overcome this mistake, first of all, use all the 30 hashtags which Instagram allows you to add to a post. Next, do some research to avoid writing any irrelevant hashtags. Find your long-tail keywords relating to your brand so that your particular audience can see your content.


  1. Posting the Same Content Everyday


It is viable to post content every day on Instagram but changes the way how you execute it. Posting the same type of blog all day can bore your audience. Incorporate different marketing strategies such as reels, carousel posts, etc. You can also work on revamping your brand’s look depending on any particular occasion such as Christmas, New Year’s Eve, etc.


  1. Not Responding to Followers


You need to engage with your audience to build a better relationship on Instagram. For avoiding this mistake, start responding to comments and any DM’s pending for getting answers. Once you quickly reply to your followers, they will also get a feeling that the brand is an active member of Instagram and will like to see more of your content.


  1. Not Engaging with Other Accounts


It’s not easy to grow followers alone on Instagram. You have to promote the content of other relevant accounts to establish profitable relationships. You can also engage in collaboration with them for causing a win-win situation on both ends. This can also open greater opportunities for you.




Whether you’re a startup company that is new to Instagram or any established company losing their follower, stop doing the above mistakes. No company wants to lose its followers, so work on fixing those mistakes and successfully run your Instagram account.