Five Common Marketing Frameworks


  1. 7 Ps: Consider different business stages revolving around the price, product, place, and promotion, people, process, and physical evidence.


  1. AARRR: It focuses on the consumer journey throughout the buying process. Its full form is acquisition, activation, retention, revenue, and referral. 


  1. STP: This model segmentizes your audience, targets them, and then positions your product in the best possible way to achieve maximum success.


  1. Porter’s Five Forces: This model looks at outside influences which can affect the business. Such as supplier power, buyer power, competitive rivalry, etc. 


  1. STEPPS: This framework works on creating viral content beneficial for the business. Its full form stands for social currency, triggers, emotion, public, practical value, and stories. 


Benefits of Implying a Marketing Framework


  • Improving the marketing strategy

Marketing framework uncovers the flaws and errors which your marketing strategy might be having. It improves the overall performance of the business playing a major role in the company’s success. 


  • Keeping your team focused

What new changes are you bringing to your strategy? Are those changes effective in the long run? A marketing framework will keep your team on the same page while focusing on achieving the same goal. 


  • Clear communication

It allows you to communicate the specific roles and responsibilities of each employee to follow. It also tells which people should work together as a team and much more. 


  • Saves time

Once your marketing errors are already detected, you can save time on further solving the issues. Redo the errors and resume your work. 


  • All templates in one place

It will put all the templates, guides, tools, and assets in one place so that you can access them. Anyone in your team can also acquire it easily. 


  • Comparisons

It looks at the pros and cons of different frameworks. Moreover, it compares which of them will best suit your company. 



Every company is different and you need to choose the marketing framework which is best for your business. Keep your team on the right path, know what your company needs, and achieve your desired goals efficiently.