For aligning how your brand is perceived by your target audience, it is essential to incorporate effective branding. How is it designed? How does it help and add value to your customers? All these questions and all the related red flags need to be answered to get your business in the right direction. 


Five DO’s and DON’T of Branding 


  • Don’t over complicate your logo 

Big logos can take up a huge space on your website as well as the social media platform. Moreover, they are not appealing to the eyes more often. Designing the logo in a complex style can hinder letting your audience understand your brand. 

  • Do keep it simple and minimal

Your logo is probably the first element your brand will be showcasing before launching the product/service. Try to keep your branding simple and unique. This increases the chances of people connecting and understanding your brand. 


  • Don’t just follow trends

With new trends and styles causing havoc in the digital market daily, don’t just randomly follow them. It can disrupt your theme style or can affect the consistency of your brand. 

  • Do be your trendsetter

Note which are the trends that are workable for your brand before implementing them. Be authentic in executing trends. This will help to boost your brand awareness while growing your following. 


  • Don’t make false promises

If your brand is unable to deliver what they promise to represent, then you will most likely lose customers. It will damage your credibility. Consumers will not trust your brand and leave existing customers unhappy. 

  • Do follow your set goals

Never compromise on focusing on your core values. Staying consistent with your goals will reward you with loyal customers ultimately. 


  • Don’t plan for tomorrow only

Planning your campaigns for a short time cannot always be successful. Before you invest your resources and time, make sure that these plans will help your business in the future. 

  • Do think for longer terms

Whether you establish partnerships with other investors or want to focus on your plans, think wisely. Plan your strategy for a longer term otherwise, you would constantly be back at the same point trying for a newer plan. 


  • Don’t rush for instant results

You need to endure patience as not every plan’s result will be seen instantly. Almost all brands take some time to flourish. Execute your plans properly and keep track of your brand’s progress.

  • Do publish quality content

Quality matters more than quantity. Publishing quality content can help in engaging the audience with your brand. Use various social interactions for keeping consumers committed to your business.