Being a marketer, you have to use certain marketing tools to keep the interest of your audience intact. With time and resources evolving at a high pace, you need to uncover some underrated marketing tools which can lift your business.


5 Underrated Beneficial Marketing Tools 


  • Installing a VPN

Since Google does not expose how its ranking system works, digital marketers may face problems. As rankings can vary based on different locations, you can take help by using a VPN to know the stats.


How is it Beneficial? 

Utilizing a VPN can provide you with results from different locations without wasting your time. Furthermore, opt for using the free VPNs instead of using paid versions. 



  • Using a Social Mention Tool

Keeping an eye on what people are saying on different social media platforms about your brand is important. But not all of the time, you can be staring and checking at your phone. Don’t worry, a social mention tool is here for the rescue. 


How is it Beneficial?

This tool will inform you about your daily insights by defining numerous-brand related keywords. You may categorize how your brand is perceived by your target audience. 



  • Operating a Website Monitor

Website updates can cause new problems while disturbing your SEO rankings. An update can cause an improvement in the rankings. But if you’re frequent in launching updates, then it is quite difficult to differentiate which update did it. To resolve this, a website monitor is going to aid you. 


How is it Beneficial?

This tool is going to periodically take a photo of the rankings to let you know what changes have happened in the numbers. Now you know the cause and can respond accordingly. 



  • Implementing a Content Recycler

With the surge of social media posts, it may happen that your post may not get seen by a lot of audiences. Your content loses its value as new reels and pictures take up its space. Don’t worry if you have a content recycler tool by your side. 


How is it Beneficial? 

You can surely use your content again at a different time. This tool can help you to determine how frequently you can recycle your content.



  • Utilizing a Video Editor

As reels have taken over the social media world, you need to set up a good video editor tool for better outcomes. How you use it is a question still considered underrated. 


How is it Beneficial?

Using the right effects in the video can uplift your brand. It can also intrigue the audiences for wanting more video content.