Is Facebook marketing dead?


Are you facing challenges in doing marketing on Facebook? Is Facebook marketing still in trend? As new platforms emerged in the arena, a decline was witnessed in the popularity of Facebook. But this doesn’t mean that Facebook is a dead platform. The platform is evolving with that, marketing teams are required to adopt the latest practices and increase their brand awareness.


Like email marketing is not out of fashion regardless of effective marketing reach on social media, the same is the case with Facebook. Businesses need to smartly use each platform, understand the new algorithm changes and implement marketing campaigns. Though, it is true that organic Facebook marketing has fallen dramatically, to the point where businesses stopped their marketing campaigns on Facebook and started exploring other platforms. 


Businesses are not compelled anymore to use Facebook for sending out their brands messages. Certainly, it is hard for businesses to break through on Facebook. But this shouldn’t stop them from using the platform. Some businesses are still using Facebook and getting good reach and engagement on their page. This means that the platform still has a spark.

Effective Facebook Marketing Strategies

Here are some notes on how to implement an effective Facebook marketing strategy:


  • Running paid advertisements is a convenient option in cultivating your business, but on a longer run you need to work hard on building a strong presence on the platform. 
  • Compromising on content never works as there is no alternative to this. Focus on creating quality conduct, cleverly mapping out a marketing strategy around your target audience to achieve campaigns goals is critical.
  • Make an additional effort and analyze your customers’ personas on Facebook. Check whether you are engaging with customers’ personas or you are just putting random business-related posts on your feed.
  • Building a relationship with your audience can add value to your business. Leverage your existing following by making them post about your brand. If you receive comments on your posts, start the comments thread underneath. There is a possibility of multiplying in engagement rate.


The bottom line

If you are a Facebook loyalist that doesn’t mean you cannot explore platforms. Every business needs to analyze what works for them best. It is important to stay loyal to your business goals and your audience first. Hop onto other platforms if you feel your business has more potential to generate more leads. Social media landscape is very wide, for sure you will land at the right place.